It's been almost a week now since I've returned from Tunisia. I find that it becomes harder and harder to write blogs. Maybe I'm now more interested in living the blogs than writing about them.
Realizing how time goes so fast... If I could wish upon a star, it would be to slow down life's pace a little... to enjoy what happens everyday... to live, and with no reflection of why time flows more or less like a draining river that spills into the ocean of memories.
But until I reach that day, which will never be, since I cannot control time, I will focus on what time I do have and seek to live up every moment as if it is my last.
I was perfectly content sitting alone in the hotel lobby, watching all the people walk around me. I heard French, German, Arabic, and Dutch, soaking in the melting pot of cultures; everyone wanting to escape reality for a week or two and remember the peacefulness of life. Until someone approached me with, “Bonjour, les americaines!” Kelsey had returned and everyone in the hotel knew us as “the Americans.” Thankfully we speak french, because Djerba doesn't see many tourists from the states, or rather any English speaking countries. And it did have its perks being American “females,” and on top of being asked out quite a lot, we received some extras if we did anything through the hotel!
The sun was normally always shining. Although with the wind picking off from the sea, it felt more cool than expected for the first few days. And being as we missed our first day there due to snow in Grenoble making us miss our flight, having to camp out in the airport overnight, take a flight to a completely different city the next day (Monastir), then a taxi ride that took an hour and ½ to reach Sfax, and from Sfax, a 4 hour “louage” with 4 Arab men, plus the driver to Djerba... let's just say, getting there was quite the adventure. So when we finally could enjoy our vacation, we lived it up! From the all-inclusive resort buffets and drinks, to 4wheelin' Djerba twice, to horseback riding on the beach, where I got to race horses in the lagoon, to 2 sauna baths, 2 full-body massages, a malliot, a manicure and pedicure, a fire show, a sunset photo shoot, shisha, a tour of the island, a pottery factory, mosque, and fort, to laying out, getting a tan with a drink in my hand, to a day adventure to the Sahara to ride a camel.
I couldn't have asked for a more relaxing trip. Thank goodness everything is so darn cheap there!
The day of departure however was a sad day... Kelsey nor I wanted to leave. I guess that's what happens when you head to paradise.
It was crazy to think that one day I was in the Sahara Desert and two days later I would be snowboarding the Alpes.
I love my life.