Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Career ENFJ= ME!

This is definitely me to the exact. 

ENFJ – The Envisioning Mentor
[E- Extraversion, N- Intuition, F- Feeling, J- Judgment]
ENFJs are characterized by their phenomenal interpersonal skills. Since they are people-focused, they possess the capability of brining out the best in others. They have a keen interest in encouraging people and giving them support and love. At the same time, they are very conscious about their image. They can be easily hurt. An ENFJ’s success lies in the fact that they can make things happen for people. In fact, they thrive on mentoring others.
On the ground of their excellent people skills, ENFJs happen to be strong team players. They are quite adept at leading people. Since they possess impressive communication skills, they have an innate talent of persuading others. In addition, they are known for their salesmanship skills. Other traits that remain associated with ENFJ personality types include benevolence, altruism, intuition, creativity, harmony, positivity and affection.
ENFJs have a natural talent for seeing the big picture. Their exceptional charisma can easily draw others into their nurturing tutelage. ENFJs are also global learners. Generally, they have a strong belief in their dreams.
In the Workplace
One of the most challenging characteristics of an ENFJ is that they are capable of juggling multiple responsibilities or projects at the same time. An ENFJ has a strong talent for doing well in job positions where they deal with people. Due to their unearthly ability of understanding people, they say just what actually needs to be said. Their strong intuitive awareness of people helps them to pull out even those who are most reserved. ENFJs are very loyal. They have the capability of putting in a great amount of effort in creating relationships with people. Once they get involved in a relationship, they maintain it with a lot of trustworthiness.
ENFJs prefer pursuing careers where the work is personally meaningful. They like to work in an environment that offers ample decision making opportunities. They prefer working in a fast paced environment. ENFJs like to do jobs where their work involves meeting a wide variety of people. Due to their innovative approach to problem solving, their work should involve creativity and imagination.
People with ENFJ personality type prefer careers where the job is action-oriented. ENFJs possess a natural talent for supervising and directing people. A work environment which is well structured, disciplined and values time is mostly important to ENFJs.
Possible Career Paths for ENFJs
Depending on their personal traits and characteristics, ENFJs have a variety of career possibilities to choose from. Some of the most suitable careers for an ENFJ are as follows.
Social Worker / Counselor
Sales Representative
Human Resources
Events Coordinator -- What I'm really wanting to do right now!!!
Sales Representative
Politicians / Diplomats -- What I went to school for
Writers -- A passion