Two days ago, I started the Writer's Digest 12 Day Plan of Simple Writing Exercises to get me inspired to write more and challenge myself to write things I normally don't write. Day one is simple and asks you to create a list of 10 titles to books or articles you would like to write in the future. That I did, and have no moved on to day number two.
Day number two says: Create a character with personality traits of someone you love, but with the physical characteristics of someone you don't care for.
After much thought and realization that there aren't many people I don't care for (which makes it a little difficult), I decided to go with someone who I don't actually know but who has become, over the past 7 months, someone who has affected me in a strange and not-so-great way. This person need not be named or described.
However, I immediately knew the person of who I wanted to base the personality traits: my daddy.
I first want to mention that throughout my life, my parents have been two of the most supportive and influential people in my life. They have been my backbone, my biggest fans, my coaches, my friends and most importantly, the ones to tell me "how it is." They did a great job raising me, understanding my need for space, dealing with my strong personality and being there for me when I needed them most. They are the ones who push me to be a better person, to explore the world and find who I am, to educate myself and grow from all that I learn; and they are the ones who encourage me to be the best I can be, even if that means changing my mind a thousand times before I find my niche. On the second hand, I cannot shy from saying that my Aunt Faye (my god mother) is also one of those amazing people in my life who has done exactly the same. These three people appreciate me for all that I am and will ever be and I can say that I have some of the best family a girl could ever ask for.
As I was thinking about whose personality I would base a character off, I knew I wanted to choose between these three important people in my life. If I had to use the physical characteristics of someone I didn't like, I damn well better make this person have be best personality traits they could have. And that's why I chose my daddy.
Parents are always right. Plain and simple. They've been through it all, or at least 'most of it.' They know how it used to be, how it is and how it's probably going to be. They are the all-seeing and the all-deserving. The things that you once took for granted are the things you appreciate the most, now. The things that didn't matter then, turn to be one of the most important things in your life. We grow up, we mature and we realize: our parents were right!
I used to take my parents and family for granted, thinking that they would always be there, that I would always be able to talk to them, they would always have my back and they would always be around to antagonize me. Well my mom still wins the award for that last one (laughs); but as I've grown up and matured, I realize those first two won't and aren't always around anymore. Now living abroad for the second time in my life, I am able to reflect on the things that I once overlooked - how amazing my family is. My family will always have my back, that is certain, but as time goes on, the years start passing by quicker and quicker, the mind starts settling on things that aren't certain and you long to appreciate those more and more.
My Daddy:
I've never met a man who is as humble as my daddy. It's rare to find anyone in this world today who offers the amazing personality trait of being humble, but to have one in my life is the most precious gem a girl could ask for. He is the kind of person you know you can count on, who will be there for you on your best of days, but will be there even more on your worst. He is the kind of person that loves with his whole heart and would give the shirt off his back to the ones he cares most about. He is a man of many trades and works with his hands to build things, but works with his heart to build relationships. He's one of the most loyal and caring people I know, giving his time and energy to helps those in his life. He's the best listener, offering advice only when asked; has a good head on his shoulders and a warm soul. He's not afraid to tell you if he feels like you're taking advantage of him or pushing the limit, but has such a soft side that makes your heart melt when you see him hurting or sad. He wants nothing more than your safety and to know that you're doing okay and his hugs are the best things in the world. He's patient and kind and doesn't need much to live a happy life. He's silly and goofy and makes you laugh, because even when his jokes aren't that funny, he tries anyway and his quirky smile makes you giggle! I know his hardships through life have shaped him into the person he is today, the great dad is has been throughout my entire life and the strong heart he gives to the ones he loves. I know I haven't mentioned any of his flaws, but when you have a person like my daddy whose personality shines so bright to the people around him, you can't help but smile and be thankful that you are blessed to have someone like that in your life. And I know I don't know everything about my dad... but the one thing I do know is that I long to be more like him.