What does it mean to "Dream Just Big Enough?" If you're a dreamer, like me, you know how challenging it can feel to have many dreams you wish to accomplish. Dreaming Just Big Enough means understanding that your dreams are achievable, and figuring out just how to make them happen. Have you ever taken the time to write down all of your dreams, your passions, your ambitions in life?
Today's challenge is to learn how to Dream Just Big Enough, without putting yourself into a state of overwhelming confusion and anxiety. This is a guide to help you achieve your dreams.
Are you ready?
All of them. What have you longed to do your entire life? Is there a career you've always wanted to pursue, or a trip you've wanted to take? It can be as simple as a sport you've wanted to try, or as intensive as wanting to write a book or change career paths. Maybe it's something you already do, that you're passionate about, but want to do more of or make it your sole source of income. Your dreams are amazing and there are ways to accomplish them.
It seems so simple, right? Now that you have your list of dreams jotted down, take some time to reflect on the things that matter to you most. What are the dreams you want to accomplish over everything else.
Take a second to reflect on a couple of thoughts: Will this make me happy? Will I have fun doing this? Would I do this everyday if I had the opportunity?
These are just a few ideas, but dig deeper. Think about the things that make you, you. Ask yourself, "Will this make me a better person? Do I get a sense of rush when I think about it? Am I truly passionate about my dream(s)?"
Now that you have a better idea of what your dreams are and the ones that are most important to you, it's time to reflect. Think about your current situation, where you are in life, or maybe where you are in the world. Stay positive! That's what this challenge is all about - helping your confront yourself and DREAM JUST BIG ENOUGH. Take the TOP 3 of the dreams you prioritized in Step 2. This will give you something solid to focus on. Think about things you could do in your life that will help advance you in the right direction - the direction of accomplishing your dreams. If you're anything like me, time and money are always the top two things that tend to stand between me and my dreams. These are challenges, but challenges can be overcome. Write down five ways that you could start moving toward your dreams. For example, if you're in debt, but you want to take that trip of a lifetime, one of your five might be a "get out of debt plan." Start researching strategies to get out of debt, like the Snowball Plan. Learn ways to pay off your credit cards, student loans, medical bills while still saving some money on the side, or paying off everything and then saving money for that dream vacation. Cut back on things like going out to eat, or going out too much. Try a new recipe at home with the things you already have in your cabinets. Watch a different style of movie at home on Netflix.
Start shifting your mindset. It's the little things that can make a significant impact.
Remember, this is just an example, but there is always a way to accomplish your dreams. You just have to find a way to make it happen.
And hold yourself accountable. It's time to create a timeline! Take the knowledge you learned from your research and apply this to your timeline. Maybe your dream is to be the next top fitness influencer. Are you in shape? Do you eat well and prioritize your health? Do you have social media accounts dedicated to your dream? Or maybe you have all of that and you're wanting to take it a step further, but don't know how to do it. Take a marketing class. Read, read, read. Reach out to others who have already done it, and keep reaching out. Learn from the people around you. Become a real influence to your viewers.
Map out (on a calendar, with dates!) your goals and by when you hope to achieve them. It's okay if they don't 100% align to reality - the goal here is to get you moving in the right direction. You know what your dreams are, you've prioritized them, you've reflected and done research and now you're setting your timeline, you're setting your goals. Be realistic. Dream Just Big Enough so that you can meet and accomplish those goals and move one step closer to achieving your dreams.
Step 5. DO.
You make your dreams happen. No one does it for you. Now go out there are get 'em!
Thoughts from the author: You might be thinking, these dreams are nothing like the dreams I want to achieve. My dreams are so much bigger than this. It doesn't matter how big or how small someone's dreams are, you can make them happen if you want them to happen. It's all about believing in yourself. Reach out to those around you who love you. Ask for their help. Ask for their support.
My dream - to become a working, professional actor. It's a BIG dream. It's a big goal. In an industry that is so cut throat. Where there are literally millions of people who have the same dream. But it's my passion and it makes me incredibly happy. I followed the above method to understand that it is possible. It won't be easy and it will be a long journey, but I'm ready for the ride! I have an amazing fiance, family and friends who support me and my crazy dreams, but it all comes down to the belief I have in myself. So learn to BELIEVE in YOU.