This last week has been filled with FUN, not doing school work and lack of motivation to do so. I should really reevaluate some things lol.. maybe.
My birthday is in 9 days, and as normally I would be super syked for it... I haven't found that to be the case this year. I guess it may be a sign that I'm getting older, or that I've been going out so much since I've been here, I feel like it will just be another night out with friends and nothing special. We'll see I guess.
Plans for my life the next Month or so:
This weekend- Fun
Next week- Hell
Next weekend- Mountains
Next Monday- My Birthday! Plus a wonderful Expose I have to do (fml)
Following weekend- SNOWBOARDING!
December 8th- Lyon for the Festival of Lights! Snowboarding that weekend or possibly Germany?!!
December 12th weekend- Toulouse?
December 19th weekend- Netherlands?
Christmas- Probably Alone :( But I really want to rent a little Chalet on the mountains and curl up by a fire, with hot chocolate, a good book and snow falling outside. I've always wanted a truly white Christmas. Somewhere near some slopes where I can go snowboarding during the day, but enjoy the peacefulness of the night.
Whether I'm by myself, or with someone, I still want a Christmas just like this.
New Years- Paris?
Morocco- sometime in January
All subject to change apart from my birthday- can't really change that one even if I wanted. ;)
My thoughts have been puzzled lately. I've had a lot of things running through my head, my heart. It's like wind blowing through the trees in autumn, grabbing leaves as it swirls through. And then it stops, dropping the leaves to the ground for people to admire, or walk on. It's warm and I see the snow melting from the mountains, much like things melting from my mind. I smile thinking about how good it feels to have things finally doing that, after all this time, I feel free.
I continue to sit on my desk, window open, breeze filling my lungs, just looking out, taking in the quiet Saturday. It's overcast, but one of the most beautiful days I think we've had so far. The colors, the feeling. I just watched a cat prance for something under a bush, and it made me laugh. Today, I feel so at peace.
It was just until that moment when I thought about all the school work that I had to do- the peacefulness went away.
I'm not really sure that's possible with this view...
I love nature. I love the beauty you can find in nature. The beauty you can find in life. God is truly amazing.
Grenoble has captured me. I think I will stay here.
Thanks for this post. You know why! ;-)