It's 1:30am, I'm still wide awake- I think I'm catching all my friends insomnia. I still haven't finished all my school work, not even attempting at this point in the night and I still want to get up by (at the most) 8:30am to start working on the 2 exposes and dissertation I have to do before Monday. But my butt is NOT missing out on a weekend of snowboarding for school work!
Last weekend turned out to be absolutely, "crazy" insane. 17 friends, 1 hotel, a hot tub pool, snowboarding, and a Saturday night in Les 2 Alpes... what could go wrong!?!
Well.. for those of us who were there... we know Sunday morning was just as memorable as Saturday when we had to leave our hotel within 30 minutes before getting charged 200Euro- plus the rain, and no bus back. Thankfully after lack of motivation to go boarding in crap weather, it began to clear up by 1pm and turned into a beautiful day.. my butt tried skiing for the first time in 10 years- NEVER AGAIN! and we just hung out enjoying the sun thinking about the crazy night that had just passed.
P.S. Old men with gray hairy chests should Never be allowed to dance on poles...
Now I'm thinking about weekends ahead- First XGames Europe, snowboarding for a week in the Swiss Alps with random people, Amsterdam... opportunities are endless!
Did I mention how blessed my life is?
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