Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Countdown Begins and a year's reflection

Days have turned into beautiful spring! We haven't seen a drop of rain here in Grenoble for the last two weeks, just sunny, warm, beautiful days. I already have a pretty good tan just from hanging out in the field next to my dorm. I think that field has become my room more than my actually one. BBQ's have begun, the snow on the mountains are gradually melting, and friends are beginning to pack up their things to head away from Grenoble. It's the end of the year. I swear it was just September, I was moving in, didn't really know anyone, and my french was so bad I couldn't understand anything... now, almost 8 months later, I'm moving out, have so many wonderful friends here from all over the world, and I can hold a decent conversation with french people. I've had the best time of my life and wouldn't give away this year abroad for anything! It's really shaped me and changed me back into the person I love and want to be. As much as I love home, I wish home would come here to me.

In less than 20 days, my mom and aunt will be here, my room will be empty, and my epic summer will be beginning! As the french say, this summer for me will be "la chance!" and it's definitely true! I will be backpacking 3 months and traveling in 3 different continents, Europe, Africa and Asia, will being spending my summer in some of the most beautiful places on earth and experiencing things most people can only imagine. How God has blessed me! and I thank Him everyday for it!
And although I'm not traveling Europe as much as I had previously planned, I'm getting to do so many other amazing things.
A brief itinerary:

-- Traveling with mom and aunt for 2 weeks (roughly) (Nice, Milan, Geneva, Paris) until June 1st.
-- Malta until June 8th.
-- Egypt until June 17th.
-- Free Travel for 21 days. Currently undecided: Wherever the wind takes me: maybe (Ireland, Scotland, Germany?, Poland?, Estonia?, Austria? Italy?) until the 8th of July.
-- Zante, Greece until July 16th.
-- Athens, Greece until July 21st.
-- Rome, Italy until July 24th.
-- Thailand until August 5th.
-- Cambodia until August 9th.
-- Vietnam until August 16th.
-- China until August 22nd.
-- India until August 25th.
-- London for one night.
-- Flight back to the United States on August 26, 2010.

So although my initial plans for not having an itinerary didn't work out (I guess I still have 21 days for that, or the world tour I plan on doing in the near future) I'm sooooo freakin' excited about this summer! This year will be unforgettable!

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