Sunday, August 15, 2010

Vang Vieng

Vang Vieng is a small town in the middle of nowhere, known solely for its famous bar lined tubing river, crazy nightlife and blue lagoons, catering to the average backpacker. It's a backpacker's drunken haven to explain it in layman's terms. Our sole purpose for going there was tubing and we met a really awesome couple (Jenna and Rob) who showed us the ropes, literally! There were rope swings everywhere lining the river, huge water slides and once again, too many buckets. I pulled a back flip off the highest rope swing and got quite a few cheers (probably for being one of the only girls doing anything, and even more, a back flip!). Tubing was good fun and we barely finished in time to get our entire deposit back. The fierce tube swimming and run to get there wasn't easy though. This involved Sarah's lack of motivation to aide our mission and my attempts to drag her along faster.
Sarah and I were stayed in Vang Vieng 4 nights but we only went tubing once. We rented a motor bike and went exploring. We found caves and more rope swinging in the blue lagoons and played until the sun went down. I still couldn't get enough of the scenery and wished we had more time in Laos to explore. The only downfall of traveling in some parts of Southeast Asia are the bus systems. To explain in more detail, there was the 13 hour overnight bus ride to get to Vang Vieng, where our luggage was piled up in the aisle, people were sitting on plastic benches (aka tubs) in between the luggage and the A/C unit, when it worked.. Overall, it was definitely an experience I will never forget. We spent one night in Vientiane catching up on sleep before flying out to Vietnam!

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