My heart sank
Stomach twisted
And end before a start?
Everything you'd found in me
being ripped apart.
A single phrase
An untold tale
Being read aloud.
One small thing can change the way
you feel about me now.
But I am me
I'll always be
Don't let it bring us down.
For everything you found in me
is all that I am now.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Career ENFJ= ME!
This is definitely me to the exact.
ENFJ – The Envisioning Mentor
[E- Extraversion, N- Intuition, F- Feeling, J- Judgment]
[E- Extraversion, N- Intuition, F- Feeling, J- Judgment]
ENFJs are characterized by their phenomenal interpersonal skills. Since they are people-focused, they possess the capability of brining out the best in others. They have a keen interest in encouraging people and giving them support and love. At the same time, they are very conscious about their image. They can be easily hurt. An ENFJ’s success lies in the fact that they can make things happen for people. In fact, they thrive on mentoring others.
ENFJs are characterized by their phenomenal interpersonal skills. Since they are people-focused, they possess the capability of brining out the best in others. They have a keen interest in encouraging people and giving them support and love. At the same time, they are very conscious about their image. They can be easily hurt. An ENFJ’s success lies in the fact that they can make things happen for people. In fact, they thrive on mentoring others.
On the ground of their excellent people skills, ENFJs happen to be strong team players. They are quite adept at leading people. Since they possess impressive communication skills, they have an innate talent of persuading others. In addition, they are known for their salesmanship skills. Other traits that remain associated with ENFJ personality types include benevolence, altruism, intuition, creativity, harmony, positivity and affection.
ENFJs have a natural talent for seeing the big picture. Their exceptional charisma can easily draw others into their nurturing tutelage. ENFJs are also global learners. Generally, they have a strong belief in their dreams.
In the Workplace
One of the most challenging characteristics of an ENFJ is that they are capable of juggling multiple responsibilities or projects at the same time. An ENFJ has a strong talent for doing well in job positions where they deal with people. Due to their unearthly ability of understanding people, they say just what actually needs to be said. Their strong intuitive awareness of people helps them to pull out even those who are most reserved. ENFJs are very loyal. They have the capability of putting in a great amount of effort in creating relationships with people. Once they get involved in a relationship, they maintain it with a lot of trustworthiness.
One of the most challenging characteristics of an ENFJ is that they are capable of juggling multiple responsibilities or projects at the same time. An ENFJ has a strong talent for doing well in job positions where they deal with people. Due to their unearthly ability of understanding people, they say just what actually needs to be said. Their strong intuitive awareness of people helps them to pull out even those who are most reserved. ENFJs are very loyal. They have the capability of putting in a great amount of effort in creating relationships with people. Once they get involved in a relationship, they maintain it with a lot of trustworthiness.
ENFJs prefer pursuing careers where the work is personally meaningful. They like to work in an environment that offers ample decision making opportunities. They prefer working in a fast paced environment. ENFJs like to do jobs where their work involves meeting a wide variety of people. Due to their innovative approach to problem solving, their work should involve creativity and imagination.
People with ENFJ personality type prefer careers where the job is action-oriented. ENFJs possess a natural talent for supervising and directing people. A work environment which is well structured, disciplined and values time is mostly important to ENFJs.
Possible Career Paths for ENFJs
Depending on their personal traits and characteristics, ENFJs have a variety of career possibilities to choose from. Some of the most suitable careers for an ENFJ are as follows.
Depending on their personal traits and characteristics, ENFJs have a variety of career possibilities to choose from. Some of the most suitable careers for an ENFJ are as follows.
Social Worker / Counselor
Sales Representative
Human Resources
Events Coordinator -- What I'm really wanting to do right now!!!
Sales Representative
Politicians / Diplomats -- What I went to school for
Writers -- A passion
Social Worker / Counselor
Sales Representative
Human Resources
Events Coordinator -- What I'm really wanting to do right now!!!
Sales Representative
Politicians / Diplomats -- What I went to school for
Writers -- A passion
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Morning frinzy
There has been no such thing this morning. The cool, crisp air met me at the door as I walked out to start my day. 7:45am, quite early for me on a Wednesday, I know. But it was refreshing to have woken up at a decent hour, jump into this cold and rather dismal day. The perfect day. The clouds are covering all possibility of the sun shining through, but as I meet people walking to my car, walking into the office, watching the plump lady walk across the street on her cell phone while strolling her child, everyone has a smile on, and it brightens the day just a little more. The blowing wind that sends a chill down your spine is countered by the glowing faces and "good mornings!" I'm now making it a point to send cheer to everyone I see. Today is going to be a good day. I feel it in my bones.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I just love cheese!

I ventured to Panera for lunch, since I felt so shitty today, why not treat myself to yumminess that I don't have to cook? -not like i can cook anything that turns out yummy anyway, but that's beside the point.
I walk in already knowing what I want to order, panera card in hand, and thankfully no line. I'd like the pick2 please. The cuban and... I can get mac and cheese as a side right? I got the "ya, of course you can!" Score one happy point for Kristi! Sur asked if there was anything else I wanted.. "of course there is! I would like a cheese pastry please."
At this point, I'm pretty sure she's thinking this girl is a fatass, which maybe is true, I love food, but when she asked me if I would like a drink with that, I couldn't help but thinking... do y'all serve wine here, because it would really go with my fatass cheese eating habits!?! I just smiled and said I would like a drink so I can get my cheese pastry for $.99. Maybe I come here too much? I have this everlasting addiction to cheese pastries. Thanks Stephen.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7
Anti-Valentine's Day
I came back from a great weekend of snowboarding, only to get sick with who knows what, feeling like absolute crap and wanting more than anything to just sleep. Forget it! With all the work I have to do, I still have no motivation as I'm sitting here writing this, and yesterday I had my Anti - Valentines Day date with Jessica. There was no way I was going to miss out on that. The Brazilian drum concerto was a blast and even with my constant cough, I really enjoyed myself. It was very African influenced and I realized that I really would love this experience more of the African culture. We had really good seats. 3rd row from the pit and at the end of the show, got welcomed close to the stage to partake in dancing with the performers. What a great time! Dan, Jessica and I enjoyed a nice relaxed time afterward as well at Penny Lane, which we plan to hit up again on the next Trivia night! We pulled up pretty well for coming to the hour late. Go Team Ketchup!
No it only I could get rid of this sickness.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7
Monday, February 7, 2011
findcultureRVA: This week's top 5 (just kidding... more like 6 or ...
findcultureRVA: This week's top 5 (just kidding... more like 6 or ...: "Gallery5 After 5: A free-to-the-public lecture seriesWed Feb 9, 5:30pmFREE FREE FREEThis month's lecture is about the comic book industry! ..."
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Techno/Hip-Hop Revolution
If you've been listening to any "Hit" Radio or Internet station within the last couple of months, there's no way you could have missed the drastic change of vibe - stretching into this new style of music.
It definitely evolved as David Guetta made his way into the American scene a while back, and since then, it's created a Revolution! I don't think there's any looking back.
We'll see as time goes on, a more pop-techno-hip/hop fashion to most of the "Hit" tracks, creating a completely new genre. I have yet to hear a name for what this is called other than "pop" (at the moment), but I'm sure the music industry will "pop-up" with something interesting soon enough.
At the same time, I'm totally feeling this new style! It's created something catchy, easy to dance to (other than the booty-shaking music that used to dominate clubs), and it's up-beat and fun! If it can't get you hyped, nothing can! I've personally added about 20 new Techno/Hip-Hop (Let's call it Combo for now) tracks to my music library in the last week.
I've always wondered how music changes. When I was younger it didn't really phase me how it worked, since I was always listening to Oldies with my mom, or Country with my dad. It was only with my friends that I would actually listen to the Spice Girls or Backstreet Boys, or that "Boy/Girl Band" music. I didn't realize the change as it was happening. Since then, I've always questioned, how does the style of music completely change through a decade or two?
Of course most decade music is pretty distinguished: Roaring 20s and Swing.. which continues throughout the 30s and even stretching somewhat into the 40's. Then comes the flip into the 50s music, with Elvis and the "Jukebox" hits.. which leads throughout the 60s - when another change drives in giving the "Hippie" music and what we now call Classic Rock (of the 70s and 80s). The Beatles sure did make a name for themselves. And so we continue on into the beginnings of Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd and many other well know names, creating their own genres as well.
Now you hear about the "Early 90s" which I'm not entirely sure what style that even is (I would consider it more mellow and relaxed), the birth of Rap and R&B and then further to the Millennium decade of Boy/Girl Band domination and the Hip-Hop boom.
So where did Techno come from? I guess it's been around just as long as some of our more recent styles, but as the Millennium Era music was building more and more in the United States, Techno was doing the same in Europe.
Finally!!! The two CRASHED together, forming this ultimate new phase of TwentyTen Combo. Just a couple great hit songs with awesome beats, our favorite hip-hop artists and some extensive promotion...
It definitely evolved as David Guetta made his way into the American scene a while back, and since then, it's created a Revolution! I don't think there's any looking back.
We'll see as time goes on, a more pop-techno-hip/hop fashion to most of the "Hit" tracks, creating a completely new genre. I have yet to hear a name for what this is called other than "pop" (at the moment), but I'm sure the music industry will "pop-up" with something interesting soon enough.
At the same time, I'm totally feeling this new style! It's created something catchy, easy to dance to (other than the booty-shaking music that used to dominate clubs), and it's up-beat and fun! If it can't get you hyped, nothing can! I've personally added about 20 new Techno/Hip-Hop (Let's call it Combo for now) tracks to my music library in the last week.
I've always wondered how music changes. When I was younger it didn't really phase me how it worked, since I was always listening to Oldies with my mom, or Country with my dad. It was only with my friends that I would actually listen to the Spice Girls or Backstreet Boys, or that "Boy/Girl Band" music. I didn't realize the change as it was happening. Since then, I've always questioned, how does the style of music completely change through a decade or two?
Of course most decade music is pretty distinguished: Roaring 20s and Swing.. which continues throughout the 30s and even stretching somewhat into the 40's. Then comes the flip into the 50s music, with Elvis and the "Jukebox" hits.. which leads throughout the 60s - when another change drives in giving the "Hippie" music and what we now call Classic Rock (of the 70s and 80s). The Beatles sure did make a name for themselves. And so we continue on into the beginnings of Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd and many other well know names, creating their own genres as well.
Now you hear about the "Early 90s" which I'm not entirely sure what style that even is (I would consider it more mellow and relaxed), the birth of Rap and R&B and then further to the Millennium decade of Boy/Girl Band domination and the Hip-Hop boom.
So where did Techno come from? I guess it's been around just as long as some of our more recent styles, but as the Millennium Era music was building more and more in the United States, Techno was doing the same in Europe.
Finally!!! The two CRASHED together, forming this ultimate new phase of TwentyTen Combo. Just a couple great hit songs with awesome beats, our favorite hip-hop artists and some extensive promotion...
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
The Most Beautiful Baby Girl
Rachael & Nick,
You two have created a beautiful angel.
I'm so blessed to be a part of y'all and Chloe's life.
You mean the world to me.
She's a magnificant treasure.
I will always and forever be there for you and her.
I love you!
You two have created a beautiful angel.
I'm so blessed to be a part of y'all and Chloe's life.
You mean the world to me.
She's a magnificant treasure.
I will always and forever be there for you and her.
I love you!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Life Decisions
The time is ticking away.. each moment I'm getting older.. each moment is one moment closer to death.... WAIT, WAIT, WAIT A MINUTE.
What in the world are you talking about Kristi!? What's with all this depressing talk?
As the moments pass, the further I realize where I'm supposed to be heading in life. I'm getting this beautiful, clear picture instilled in my mind. I'm living life, loving life, and yes, I get a little stressed, I slack off way too much, but there is one thing that I can't stop from doing - And that's living in happiness.
Not much can bring me down, and I won't let much bring me down. To be honest, half of the things we do in life won't really have much purpose a couple of years from now. We'll look back and think, man, I could have been doing so much different, experiencing life a little more, Living a little more... so if you've ever done that before, why not take that time to look around you and realize that you will probably be doing the same in another couple of years.. so CHANGE IT.
I'm a couple months shy of graduation. Where the time goes, nobody knows. So we have to make the best of it.
I realized just a few days ago, that as much as I try to live my life in a way I will never look back and think I could be doing so much different, I still do, and most people always will. But I came to conclusion that what I want to do is write.
I've never taken a class, didn't major in english or journalism, or anything that would help me pursue this goal, but I enjoy doing it. And I feel that we should all do what we enjoying doing.
And that's what I seek, in all aspects of my life. You should too. :-)
What in the world are you talking about Kristi!? What's with all this depressing talk?
As the moments pass, the further I realize where I'm supposed to be heading in life. I'm getting this beautiful, clear picture instilled in my mind. I'm living life, loving life, and yes, I get a little stressed, I slack off way too much, but there is one thing that I can't stop from doing - And that's living in happiness.
Not much can bring me down, and I won't let much bring me down. To be honest, half of the things we do in life won't really have much purpose a couple of years from now. We'll look back and think, man, I could have been doing so much different, experiencing life a little more, Living a little more... so if you've ever done that before, why not take that time to look around you and realize that you will probably be doing the same in another couple of years.. so CHANGE IT.
I'm a couple months shy of graduation. Where the time goes, nobody knows. So we have to make the best of it.
I realized just a few days ago, that as much as I try to live my life in a way I will never look back and think I could be doing so much different, I still do, and most people always will. But I came to conclusion that what I want to do is write.
I've never taken a class, didn't major in english or journalism, or anything that would help me pursue this goal, but I enjoy doing it. And I feel that we should all do what we enjoying doing.
And that's what I seek, in all aspects of my life. You should too. :-)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
What would be my Accidental Happiness
YouTube - Snowboard Girl 1 year old
Now, I don't plan to have any children, but as we know, sometimes God's plan is a little different than ours. I will forever take the best preventative cautions possible, but if ever something happened, THIS would be my Accidental Happiness!
Now, I don't plan to have any children, but as we know, sometimes God's plan is a little different than ours. I will forever take the best preventative cautions possible, but if ever something happened, THIS would be my Accidental Happiness!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Bucket List your life!
LivingSocial Deals
Trying to find new things to do in Richmond? Me too. Or why not create a bucketlist for your city?
We all get pretty bored easily and as there's always at least ONE friend to occupy your free time, drag them along with you!
Better yet, I think I'm going to make a game out of it. Let's tart checking off the bucketlist and take a different friend along each time.
If you don't have that many friends.... grab a stranger. Sometimes the best adventures turn out to be with people you just met! Trust me, I probably know better than most :)
(always be careful, smart, and if you are going with a stranger, make sure you let someone else know where you're going too! If you get a strange vibe, most likely it's not a good idea. Otherwise- it could end up being a great time!!!)
"Do it for the fun of it!"
Trying to find new things to do in Richmond? Me too. Or why not create a bucketlist for your city?
We all get pretty bored easily and as there's always at least ONE friend to occupy your free time, drag them along with you!
Better yet, I think I'm going to make a game out of it. Let's tart checking off the bucketlist and take a different friend along each time.
If you don't have that many friends.... grab a stranger. Sometimes the best adventures turn out to be with people you just met! Trust me, I probably know better than most :)
(always be careful, smart, and if you are going with a stranger, make sure you let someone else know where you're going too! If you get a strange vibe, most likely it's not a good idea. Otherwise- it could end up being a great time!!!)
"Do it for the fun of it!"
A Shout Out to GRE! < 3
To the place that became my home for a year of my life, I miss you Grenoble, France.
To all my wonderful friends who I believe will be lifelong - I love and miss you all so much!
I miss... Tuesday night traditions..., the mountains, the snowboarding, the amazing friends, fun nights, the Tram system, Public Transportation in general, cheap flights, Random weekend adventures, Crepes, Cheese, Always having something to do or someone to hang out with, cheap wine, Good wine, the culture, the language, constant social drinking, the ability to drink in public, the scenery, the food, exceptional student discounts, the safety, the cleanliness, the atmosphere, Le Petit Vraque, the feeling of belonging, the buildings and architecture, the markets, LidL, not having to carry an ID everywhere, constantly meeting new people, Druid's Pub, Berlioz Parties, Whale time, Dinner's out, my 3 favorite restaurants (one Italian, one Indian - names still unknown, and Jardin d'Asie), Nems, La Bastille, (faire du stop!)=hitchhiking, last minute hiking, the education system, Chalets, the convenience, bars on campus, political participation, organizational support and attendance, the commitment level of the french, opportunities to travel, ERASMUS and most of all, the thing that brought this all together... INTEGRE!
Special thanks to ISEP for accepting me, and placing me in the very place I requested. I don't think my year abroad could have been any better!
To all my wonderful friends who I believe will be lifelong - I love and miss you all so much!
I miss... Tuesday night traditions..., the mountains, the snowboarding, the amazing friends, fun nights, the Tram system, Public Transportation in general, cheap flights, Random weekend adventures, Crepes, Cheese, Always having something to do or someone to hang out with, cheap wine, Good wine, the culture, the language, constant social drinking, the ability to drink in public, the scenery, the food, exceptional student discounts, the safety, the cleanliness, the atmosphere, Le Petit Vraque, the feeling of belonging, the buildings and architecture, the markets, LidL, not having to carry an ID everywhere, constantly meeting new people, Druid's Pub, Berlioz Parties, Whale time, Dinner's out, my 3 favorite restaurants (one Italian, one Indian - names still unknown, and Jardin d'Asie), Nems, La Bastille, (faire du stop!)=hitchhiking, last minute hiking, the education system, Chalets, the convenience, bars on campus, political participation, organizational support and attendance, the commitment level of the french, opportunities to travel, ERASMUS and most of all, the thing that brought this all together... INTEGRE!
Special thanks to ISEP for accepting me, and placing me in the very place I requested. I don't think my year abroad could have been any better!
The best year of my life so far - Santé To (2009-2010)!
May you live on forever and never be forgotten :)
Friday, January 21, 2011
I've fallen.. into the world of dresses.
Most of you who know me, or have grown up with me, know that there are two sides to me.
A. The tomboy, outdoorsy, can figure it out on my own, I'll kick your ass if you mess with me, sporty, backpacking solo, all-around go-getter type of girl.
and then there's:
B. The dress-up, pageant, acting/singing/modeling, nail painting, make-up wearing, hair-doing, "don't mess it up," side of me.
Recently, over the past year of so, I've moved into the casual dress type of style. Maybe it was France that did it to me, and as much as I enjoy wearing jeans.. sometimes I actually Want to look semi-fashionable now. The only unfortunate part about that, is this kind of apparel is rather pricey.
For example:
My Dress of the Day
I adore this dress.. although I'm not too sure many would.. I have a different kind of taste.. but look at the price! And this is on
So to try and meet this urge for a more tasteful style.. (it helps that I've lost some weight- otherwise, these dresses aren't designed for a chunkier set, which I found out after I lost weight, that I actually was) - I venture to GoodWill, where other people's leftovers become my new-do!
So to all of you who can afford to by $80 dresses (on-sale).. wear them a couple of times.. and hand them off to me! I'll gladly take them to make part of my wardrobe :)
A. The tomboy, outdoorsy, can figure it out on my own, I'll kick your ass if you mess with me, sporty, backpacking solo, all-around go-getter type of girl.
and then there's:
B. The dress-up, pageant, acting/singing/modeling, nail painting, make-up wearing, hair-doing, "don't mess it up," side of me.
Recently, over the past year of so, I've moved into the casual dress type of style. Maybe it was France that did it to me, and as much as I enjoy wearing jeans.. sometimes I actually Want to look semi-fashionable now. The only unfortunate part about that, is this kind of apparel is rather pricey.
For example:
My Dress of the Day
I adore this dress.. although I'm not too sure many would.. I have a different kind of taste.. but look at the price! And this is on
So to try and meet this urge for a more tasteful style.. (it helps that I've lost some weight- otherwise, these dresses aren't designed for a chunkier set, which I found out after I lost weight, that I actually was) - I venture to GoodWill, where other people's leftovers become my new-do!
So to all of you who can afford to by $80 dresses (on-sale).. wear them a couple of times.. and hand them off to me! I'll gladly take them to make part of my wardrobe :)
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Canaan Valley, WVA
To our surprise, we arrived to "11" out of 39 slopes open, when in all reality it was more like 2. It wouldn't have been so bad if there was a park (not even a jump was built) and after the 6-8 inch snowfall we got on the first night there, still only those 2 runs were worth riding.. or open. Britt and I even got our tickets marked for riding on a closed trail. "What kind of bullshit is this?" I kept thinking to myself. "This is NOT what I'm used to anymore!" So I drew mountains over the big X and you couldn't see that it was ever there. :-)
So to "prepare" for my trip out west, I run 2 slopes over and over again, trying to find any kind of lip to jump, obeying every freakin' sign as to not let the money I had already spent on these lift tickets to go waste.. and no bore myself to death, (btw, there is only 1 lift open out of 3.. besides the bunny slope).
Thankfully that's where the 8 other friends come in. Luckily for them, coming here last year wasn't like this, but we made the best of out of it. We had a great time despite the lack of slopes open under amazing conditions; it was night that held all the fun! We played in the snow and lived it up every night we were there. Overall it was great and although we were only able to hit 2 slopes for the first couple of days on a mountain with "39".. it's the people you're with that make up for it.
It sure isn't the Alps though.
On a side note.. due to all the tie we had with our 15 minute ride up the lift and our 1 minute and 29 second ride down.. timed on both slopes (they're pretty much the same), Steven, Brittany and I agreed that if any one of us were to win the lottery, (at first we were going to take everyone on an amazing boarding trip), but then we decided we'd just BUY A MOUNTAIN! We would run it, and by run it, we mean - hire other people at $8.00 an hour to run it for us, as we sit on our lazy asses and snowboard all day. We also agreed that we were too cheap to buy one of those high tech groomers, so we're going to make a 75 man "human grooming machine!"- which will probably cost more than just buying the high-end thing, but as Britt says, "she'd rather watch people do it instead." Steph: "And they better not sit down on the job!" Murph: "I don't care how long the run is.. they're not stopping!"
And of course the mountain will be either out west or in Alaska. The name: BULL MOUNTAIN- dead on.
Now would you look at that! We've got ourselves a business merger. Not only will we have our own mountain, we're also going to produce our own clothing line for snowboarding (for course). There will be the Andy Brand, The Kristi Co., Brittany's Line, and then.. wait for it... keep waiting... waiting.... "The Murphs" (with a separate children's section to be named, 'the Smurfs').
As for everyone else, they can come up with their own logo/brand name/ design thing, since they weren't there on this merger deal.. probably because they were being recruited for hire by our non-existent staff.
Unfortunately, we have to be careful not to be mauled by a bear and dragged by to its den/cave for a late night snack before we win the lottery.
Otherwise, I think we have a good chance of making this dream come true!
What...? Ohhh right, maybe we should start playing the lottery first.
As the week went on.. more surprise came about. Finally the majority of the trails were opened and brought quite a good ride! Wooded trails are particularly my favorite (until I run into trees-- HA, oh the video to be shown from Vail).
Overall, it turned out to be an amazing week, with new friends, snowboarding, so much laughter, music, druinking, fun and snow! A++
And so onto VAIL!
So to "prepare" for my trip out west, I run 2 slopes over and over again, trying to find any kind of lip to jump, obeying every freakin' sign as to not let the money I had already spent on these lift tickets to go waste.. and no bore myself to death, (btw, there is only 1 lift open out of 3.. besides the bunny slope).
Thankfully that's where the 8 other friends come in. Luckily for them, coming here last year wasn't like this, but we made the best of out of it. We had a great time despite the lack of slopes open under amazing conditions; it was night that held all the fun! We played in the snow and lived it up every night we were there. Overall it was great and although we were only able to hit 2 slopes for the first couple of days on a mountain with "39".. it's the people you're with that make up for it.
It sure isn't the Alps though.
On a side note.. due to all the tie we had with our 15 minute ride up the lift and our 1 minute and 29 second ride down.. timed on both slopes (they're pretty much the same), Steven, Brittany and I agreed that if any one of us were to win the lottery, (at first we were going to take everyone on an amazing boarding trip), but then we decided we'd just BUY A MOUNTAIN! We would run it, and by run it, we mean - hire other people at $8.00 an hour to run it for us, as we sit on our lazy asses and snowboard all day. We also agreed that we were too cheap to buy one of those high tech groomers, so we're going to make a 75 man "human grooming machine!"- which will probably cost more than just buying the high-end thing, but as Britt says, "she'd rather watch people do it instead." Steph: "And they better not sit down on the job!" Murph: "I don't care how long the run is.. they're not stopping!"
And of course the mountain will be either out west or in Alaska. The name: BULL MOUNTAIN- dead on.
Now would you look at that! We've got ourselves a business merger. Not only will we have our own mountain, we're also going to produce our own clothing line for snowboarding (for course). There will be the Andy Brand, The Kristi Co., Brittany's Line, and then.. wait for it... keep waiting... waiting.... "The Murphs" (with a separate children's section to be named, 'the Smurfs').
As for everyone else, they can come up with their own logo/brand name/ design thing, since they weren't there on this merger deal.. probably because they were being recruited for hire by our non-existent staff.
Unfortunately, we have to be careful not to be mauled by a bear and dragged by to its den/cave for a late night snack before we win the lottery.
Otherwise, I think we have a good chance of making this dream come true!
What...? Ohhh right, maybe we should start playing the lottery first.
As the week went on.. more surprise came about. Finally the majority of the trails were opened and brought quite a good ride! Wooded trails are particularly my favorite (until I run into trees-- HA, oh the video to be shown from Vail).
Overall, it turned out to be an amazing week, with new friends, snowboarding, so much laughter, music, druinking, fun and snow! A++
And so onto VAIL!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Not Resolutions but Restitutions!
As an amazing year has come and gone, I've learned to live by my own song. To love life in every way, and appreciate all I'm given every day!
This year I want to give myself the reminders of what I learned over my year abroad, the little things I've let slip from mind over the last 4 months.
I offer these to you in hopes that you live by them too :)
Remind yourself of these every morning as 2011 continues through.
Life is too short to worry.
I'm too strong to give up or give in.
Love is worth fighting for.
Trust like I never have before.
Live like there's no tomorrow.
Reach out when others need a hand.
"Do" as if there's no one watching.
"Go" as if there's no limit.
Take a chance because another may not come.
Stress less, enjoy more.
"Just do it" for the fun of it!
Give like I have everything to give.
Try like I have nothing to lose.
Put Faith in what I believe in.
And LOVE without conditions or judgment.
There's so much more to life than our 'daily burdens.' Let them go, be free, explore within yourself and the world around you, and never stop searching for that Ultimate Happiness!
This year I want to give myself the reminders of what I learned over my year abroad, the little things I've let slip from mind over the last 4 months.
I offer these to you in hopes that you live by them too :)
Remind yourself of these every morning as 2011 continues through.
Life is too short to worry.
I'm too strong to give up or give in.
Love is worth fighting for.
Trust like I never have before.
Live like there's no tomorrow.
Reach out when others need a hand.
"Do" as if there's no one watching.
"Go" as if there's no limit.
Take a chance because another may not come.
Stress less, enjoy more.
"Just do it" for the fun of it!
Give like I have everything to give.
Try like I have nothing to lose.
Put Faith in what I believe in.
And LOVE without conditions or judgment.
There's so much more to life than our 'daily burdens.' Let them go, be free, explore within yourself and the world around you, and never stop searching for that Ultimate Happiness!
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