I ventured to Panera for lunch, since I felt so shitty today, why not treat myself to yumminess that I don't have to cook? -not like i can cook anything that turns out yummy anyway, but that's beside the point.
I walk in already knowing what I want to order, panera card in hand, and thankfully no line. I'd like the pick2 please. The cuban and... I can get mac and cheese as a side right? I got the "ya, of course you can!" Score one happy point for Kristi! Sur asked if there was anything else I wanted.. "of course there is! I would like a cheese pastry please."
At this point, I'm pretty sure she's thinking this girl is a fatass, which maybe is true, I love food, but when she asked me if I would like a drink with that, I couldn't help but thinking... do y'all serve wine here, because it would really go with my fatass cheese eating habits!?! I just smiled and said I would like a drink so I can get my cheese pastry for $.99. Maybe I come here too much? I have this everlasting addiction to cheese pastries. Thanks Stephen.
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