Friday, August 6, 2010

The Beginnings of South East Asia- Thailand!

As the adventures continue in my not-so-ordinary life, traveling the world and grasping every bit of something extraordinary I can.. the flight to Bangkok, Thailand didn't seem that long. Normally I would be anxious for a trip so fulfilling, I mean, after all, I was heading to a continent so completely different than the western world. However, the fatigue from traveling the last two and a half months non-stop was catching up to me. I sat in the Cairo airport, waiting patiently for the time to roll around that I could relax and sleep on the plane. When the plane landed hours later, the middle seat where I was sat seemed more like a small closet that had way too many clothes in it for me to comfortably enjoy. I still felt un-rested and the extra 6 hour time change didn't help any. My days and nights were once again mixed up. I stayed awake the rest of the day, trying to readjust myself to Thai time. When we landed in Bangkok, we decided to do some exploring and met a really nice guy whose Thai name means "Happy," (so that's what I called him the rest of the time we hung out). He took us to a movie and showed us around the 7 story shopping mall not terribly far from our hostel. We got tickets to the VIP showing of The Sorcerer's Apprentice where the seats were more like sofa's and blankets were provided, all for the low cost of $8. It was even in English! The first movie I'd seen in ages in English, theatre style. We hadn't planned to stay long in Bangkok having heard it was dirty and the rest of Thailand was worth more exploration, so we decided to see has much as we could in the 24 hours we were in the city and then head to the south. The best part about this trip is that we didn't have any set plans and everything was on a whim. We knew we wanted to head down to some of the islands and we set off to find a bus company that would get us there. Bangkok is full of tourism agencies that all offer their own deals. We just needed a bus ride and found an agency that was taking off the next morning for the long haul down south to Koh Pangan. So we bought our tickets and retired the evening early to caught up on some sleep. That was Bangkok and it was enough for me. 

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