Monday, May 31, 2010

And we're off!

Tomorrow.. I set sail (or fly) to MALTA!
It's strange to think that I really do miss my family. It was great having my aunt Faye and mom here for the 2 weeks. And as much as they do drive me nuts sometimes, I love them very much and enjoyed getting to spend time with them. Family really is the only thing you'll have when everything else is gone. The only thing that was missing was Daddy! I was just looking over the next 3 months, thinking about all the places I'm going and the awesome experiences I will have.. and realized.. it's going to go by SO fast. Before I know it, this year abroad will be over, and I will be back in my old life. But will it really be "my old life?" I think I'll come back a new person, maybe somewhat more wise, not by knowledge, but by experience. I believe I have a new outlook of the world, of life, of myself... so maybe I'll be coming back to a different life... not a new beginning, but a new branch on my tree. But I can't think about that.. I have to focus on the time I do have, the endless possibilities, the unforgettable summer. I have to remember things while they're happening... not after they've happened. Life is too short. Time goes by too fast, and one day blends into another. It's taking it one moment at a time, discovering every second as its own, rejoicing in life and making it worth while.
My ultimate goal is life is to feel everlasting happiness, a constant rush, and intimate joy. I come to realize more and more each day how to make that happen. Trust in Him, let myself go, never worry, and try to live my life unselfishly, for I feel the happiest when I help others be happy, I've discovered. I feel like I've been given something when I give to others. I never want to lose the smile off my face and I always want to let others see this peace in my life.

A toast to the summer.
A toast to Life.
A toast to Happiness.
And never let there be Vice.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Travels with Mom and Aunt Faye

I was so sad to leave Grenoble for the second to last time (hopefully not ever) but for a while. I knew I would be coming back for 2 days to pick up my things and take care of some necessities, but it was like leaving home. Others were leaving, my friends, all the wonderful people I have met this year, and when I come back, I know they won't be there anymore. Thank God for Facebook!
Anywho, I've had a good time with my mom and aunt coming to visit.
Lyon was pretty much just the meeting point. Didn't get to see or do much. But Nice.. like always is amazing. And this time I actually got to go to Monaco- Monte Carlo baby!! Where... I had my first Casino experience! Wooot! It was pretty exciting, minus the "losing money" part. I got a few free drinks, however, because the guy that was serving me loves Grenoble! lol And After having lost the money I was willing to spend, I finally learned how to play the roulette tables. Next time= VEGAS!
On to Italy, where Genoa was pretty and we went on a city tour, drank some good wine and I got to become captain of my new Pirate ship! (it's not letting me add the photo- so I'll have to update that later).
We just so happened to be in Milan during the Milan "football" championship game for the World Cup. The only upside was seeing 1000's of very good looking guys shirtless. Otherwise, none of us got much sleep because of the constant horn blowing and screaming people. However, everyone was super excited about anything and everything and by the 4th or 5th time I ran around the old fortress, people started blowing their horns and yelling for ME. lol I guess they were keeping count!?
I've been to Geneva, Switzerland a few times now, but mainly to catch a flight, and the most I had seen was the floor of the train station as that was my bed for the night. I never did get to see a lot of the city, other than riding through a bit in a car, or passing through by train going snowboarding. But this city is absolutely beautiful. We took another City Tour today, but got a chance to explore the country side and take an hour and 1/2 boat ride on Geneva Lake.
We haven't really had much night life, I guess going hard throughout the day has worn out my mom and aunt, so they crash pretty early. I'm used to doing the day life now and then having night life too.. But hey, I'm young and can get away with it right!?
We're heading back to Grenoble tomorrow. I have so much to do, so much to still pack up and/or get rid of, blah blah blah, etc etc. But I am really glad my mom and aunt will get to meet some of my friends that are still there and I'll get to have a night life again, at least for 2 days.
After is off to Paris for 3 days and then they head home.
I'm still trying to figure out this whole China visa. I'll be going to the US Embassy in Paris while I'm there and hopefully get it sorted out. I'm very much looking forward to this journey I'll be on the next 3 months.
Next stop after Paris= MALTA!!!!!
6 Friends, 7 Days, on an Island = Oh Yeahhhh Baby!!!!

Until next time my friends!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"It's not Goodbye... it's Hopefully I'll see you soon"

Apart from the crappy weather and the lack of BBQ, last night was an AMAZING Goodbye Party! I again want to thank all of my friends who came out to wish me farewell and safe travels this summer! Ya'll have no idea how much I'm going to miss you!
This has been one hell of a fantastic year!
I've met so many wonderful people, done so many exciting things, and if I continue on, I'm going to run out of adjectives to describe how "epic" my year in Grenoble has been!
But it's coming to an end.. 2 more days until I meet my mom and aunt in Lyon... doing our travels, 2 more days in Grenoble to take care of some things... then Goodbye.
The worst part about it, is that it's never the same once you leave. You'll always have those memories, but when you come back, the people, the town, your life, will have changed.
It's come and gone so fast.. and I don't think I can keep up with it. Life.. just slow down a little for me, please.
My life is a beautiful rainbow.. and I want to explore every color in and out.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I would...

Instead of taking this precious time to study.. what do I do? Write a blog! I've also spent most of the afternoon looking up interesting places to volunteer during the 3 weeks I have "free travel" during the summer. I figured I've been taking the last year for "me time" I might as well give some of that back.. whether it is just something small, something I enjoy (i.e. working with horses) and isn't for a long period of time. Speaking of which, "me time" this weekend has been amazing. After celebrating 2 birthday's, going into town 2 out of 3 nights, intensely living up Berlioz, and staying up dancing a night away, yet again, I'm exhausted! I can't wait to see what this summer is going to be like! Can a body really run on 4 hours of sleep a night? It can't be healthy, but it sure is fun!
Last full week here in Grenoble. The current crap weather is making me ready to start my travels... yet the continual snow-topped mountains keep my mind complacent and content.
Just a side note: I found out that Cafe Berlioz- (the little cafeteria outside of my residence) sells beer! I'm going to miss the lack of alcoholic obedience when I get back to the States. It's a shame when you find an alcoholic restrictive country (US) has more problems with alcohol than a country where you can have table wine at whatever age your parents decide to give it to you, and you can purchase legally at the age of 16. Maybe the U.S. should think this through a little. It doesn't help that the lack of public transportation plays a big role into it. But when a majority of the population already drinks under-age and can seriously be penalized for having even the smallest amount consumed, I hate to say it, but "Vive la France!"
People here respect it here, drink wine with almost every meal. It's not until you're restricted from doing something that you truly want to rebel.... Or you could just be a college student. I'm rambling thoughts from my head.

Wishing the sun would come out, my exams would be over, or I had at least some motivation to study in the first place, and mainly that time would slow down!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Science Politique - Grenoble

Just a little reflection of studying political science in Grenoble...
Maybe it was the fact that I wasn't french, I came in half way through the year, or that I didn't speak much french while in class in order to join in the conversation (when you're trying to just keep up with what's going on, it's a little more difficult to say what you're thinking), but I never once felt like I belonged there. In regards to the fact that it's extremely difficult to get into (in France), everyone seems like they have a stigma about them that makes them just a little above the rest, which may be the case, but I found it was flaunted. And to be honest, I don't think they would survive if they came to an American University to try and study political science. As I mentioned to Diana, who was also studying there, if this semester would have been in English, I think it would have been a fairly easy one. Apart from the +10 exposes I wrote this semester (which caused a lot of difficulties because they were all in french - and not all of them were for poli sci) the classes seemed fairly simple and I wouldn't have stressed too much, but did because of the language barrier and that there is only one exam at the end that determines everything (this is the case for all studies in France). Overall my experience at Science Po Grenoble wasn't as interesting as hoped and for others (foreign students) who are interested in taking classes there, I would suggest preparing for the fact that it won't be like anything from your home university.
Or maybe this was just my case and I'm the outlier? I never felt welcomed at events that were going on inside the building, and never even thought of going to night events for the fear that I would be looked down on. I would rather stick to the awesome friends I have outside of science po.
The professors, however, were reasonable with the fact I was "ERASMUS" and helped me out as much as possible, which was reassuring. And on a side note- there were a few students who showed some sympathy to my "foreigness" and alienation in the Science Po Grenoble community. Maybe it was because they were stuck with me doing projects and it was the only way to make sure we did a good job? Otherwise, I don't think I would want to go back for another year there. I would prefer the history department, where I took a very interesting class and students were a lot more friendly and I might even stretch to say that my french literature classes were better than science po, but again, that's a stretch.
I can't wait to get back to structure, blackboard, and having professors let you know what the crap is going on, books to read for additional understanding, and as much as I can't believe I'm saying it, more than one "Final Exam." At least that way I know how I'm doing throughout the class, what I need to work on, and I don't feel like such a slack the whole semester. I also learn so much more back home (but that again, could be because of the language).

Hey! At least my french is better! ;-)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Why live if you're not living?

As tired as I am, I always find someway to procrastinate, no matter what it is I'm trying to do, in this case, sleep. I think it's one of my worst qualities, but I do discover some pretty interesting things with my procrastination habits. Trying to avoid the thought that I may have failed my exam I took today, avoiding all the necessary things that I need to be doing, I decided to catch up on some reading. But this isn't your typical reading.. I wanted to read about the lives of other people, so I searched Blogger. Although I didn't always come across the most interesting lives, stories, or whatever you want to call them, I found myself scrolling down the page, entertaining myself with what other people had to say. I could only imagine if my entire life was documented for people to watch.. would it be entertaining and exciting? I love my life, but I've found it important to remember that it's Your life and what others think about it doesn't make any difference. My life is entertaining to me and that's all that matters. I will admit the lack of audience response as I was singing "Don't Rain on My Parade" in the finals at the Condorde de Chant this past weekend, really bummed me out. I thought singing an upbeat, musically difficult song would be entertaining, but it didn't seem to appeal to the audience or the judges *as I later found out*- it was a bad song choice I was told. I guess you live and you learn. I had fun doing it and that's all that counts anyway.
The boring aspects are coming into play with the 2 exams I have to start studying for on Tuesday next week. I'm praying for at least a 10 out of 20 on these *that's all I need to pass*, and being as they are all in french, it poses more difficulties.
Going to continue to think positive, keep a smile on my face and shoot for the stars! That's all I can do!
Time's running out.. I don't know how to make it slow down.. make my life boring *that always seems to make time go by slower* but then what's the point of having it slow down if it's not going to be interesting. My philosophy "why live if you're not living!"