Monday, May 3, 2010

Why live if you're not living?

As tired as I am, I always find someway to procrastinate, no matter what it is I'm trying to do, in this case, sleep. I think it's one of my worst qualities, but I do discover some pretty interesting things with my procrastination habits. Trying to avoid the thought that I may have failed my exam I took today, avoiding all the necessary things that I need to be doing, I decided to catch up on some reading. But this isn't your typical reading.. I wanted to read about the lives of other people, so I searched Blogger. Although I didn't always come across the most interesting lives, stories, or whatever you want to call them, I found myself scrolling down the page, entertaining myself with what other people had to say. I could only imagine if my entire life was documented for people to watch.. would it be entertaining and exciting? I love my life, but I've found it important to remember that it's Your life and what others think about it doesn't make any difference. My life is entertaining to me and that's all that matters. I will admit the lack of audience response as I was singing "Don't Rain on My Parade" in the finals at the Condorde de Chant this past weekend, really bummed me out. I thought singing an upbeat, musically difficult song would be entertaining, but it didn't seem to appeal to the audience or the judges *as I later found out*- it was a bad song choice I was told. I guess you live and you learn. I had fun doing it and that's all that counts anyway.
The boring aspects are coming into play with the 2 exams I have to start studying for on Tuesday next week. I'm praying for at least a 10 out of 20 on these *that's all I need to pass*, and being as they are all in french, it poses more difficulties.
Going to continue to think positive, keep a smile on my face and shoot for the stars! That's all I can do!
Time's running out.. I don't know how to make it slow down.. make my life boring *that always seems to make time go by slower* but then what's the point of having it slow down if it's not going to be interesting. My philosophy "why live if you're not living!"

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