Monday, May 31, 2010

And we're off!

Tomorrow.. I set sail (or fly) to MALTA!
It's strange to think that I really do miss my family. It was great having my aunt Faye and mom here for the 2 weeks. And as much as they do drive me nuts sometimes, I love them very much and enjoyed getting to spend time with them. Family really is the only thing you'll have when everything else is gone. The only thing that was missing was Daddy! I was just looking over the next 3 months, thinking about all the places I'm going and the awesome experiences I will have.. and realized.. it's going to go by SO fast. Before I know it, this year abroad will be over, and I will be back in my old life. But will it really be "my old life?" I think I'll come back a new person, maybe somewhat more wise, not by knowledge, but by experience. I believe I have a new outlook of the world, of life, of myself... so maybe I'll be coming back to a different life... not a new beginning, but a new branch on my tree. But I can't think about that.. I have to focus on the time I do have, the endless possibilities, the unforgettable summer. I have to remember things while they're happening... not after they've happened. Life is too short. Time goes by too fast, and one day blends into another. It's taking it one moment at a time, discovering every second as its own, rejoicing in life and making it worth while.
My ultimate goal is life is to feel everlasting happiness, a constant rush, and intimate joy. I come to realize more and more each day how to make that happen. Trust in Him, let myself go, never worry, and try to live my life unselfishly, for I feel the happiest when I help others be happy, I've discovered. I feel like I've been given something when I give to others. I never want to lose the smile off my face and I always want to let others see this peace in my life.

A toast to the summer.
A toast to Life.
A toast to Happiness.
And never let there be Vice.

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