Sunday, December 8, 2013

"Live, because 'Life Goes On'."

After my last blog post (which I have to admit, I didn't think many people would read - I forgot it posts automatically to Facebook) I received some amazing and very kind words from many people. Not only has it helped me see that people do actually care what goes on in someone else's life, but it has really inspired me to look deeper into my life and appreciate myself for who I am. That although I may be in a rough place right now in life (which we all go through at one point or another), the phrase, "life goes on" is something that I have to remember on a daily basis. That I have a lot to offer the world and one day I will find someone who appreciates me for everything I am, with my flaws and all of my traits (positive and negative). That I should never change who I am and when I find the person that matches me best, they will love me for all that I am and want to do in my life, and they will fight for that love no matter the circumstance. My selfish acts will no longer be considered selfish because selfish means, "concerned primarily with one's own interests," but instead those interests will be mutual; and as long as I'm always willing to compromise but never give up my dreams, happiness will flow through me. I also have to remember that I am able to find happiness within myself and that is the primary goal.
Although it is still hard to accept this, still being in love with someone who is no longer in love with me, I am trying to take life day by day and not let it control me or my happiness.
Even in all of the negative situations I've got myself into this time, I have to remember that I still have many things to be thankful for and that life is a roller coaster and I need to enjoy the ride (through the fun, exciting, heart-wrenching and scary parts).

As Christmas gets closer, the days get shorter and the nights get longer and my heart longs more and more to be home with my family and the ones I love. Celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas here with friends has been a great pleasure and brought joy into my life again, but there is nothing like the comfort of having those you love around you for the holiday's. My one Christmas wish would be to go home for Christmas. Unfortunately, airline prices make that nearly impossible on my budget and I will spend Christmas here in Grenoble with my pup before heading off to Poland for a wedding and then New Years 2014.

It's amazing to think how so much changes over the years... how fast the years start to go by as I get older. My mom always told me they would, but we never believe our parents until it happens and we find out they were actually right!

Fun Fact: I made my first homemade carrot cake and it is DELICIOUS!
Thought of the day: It's really too bad teleportation hasn't been invented yet.
Cannot wait for: My first day on the mountain snowboarding!

Staying positive and seeking happiness, day by day.

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