Friday, November 20, 2009

Finally Time!

It's finally come to that time. Mountains here I come- you better have snow!
It's the weekend before my birthday. I'm not out partying tonight because I am a procrastinator and haven't finished my expose (due Monday- my birthday- FML!). And since I'm going to be gone the next two days, hopefully having a blast, I had to stay in tonight and start/finish it. Yet, as I sit here writing this, I'm doing another bit of procrastinating. There's really only SO much you can say about how France was influenced by immigration! Maybe I should put somewhere in there of the "festivities" by the Algerians Thursday night? Although I'm not sure if anyone would get offended, especially when I call them uncivilized and barbaric. I knew Europeans were crazy over soccer (aka- football or, "le foot" (en francais)), but when I'm trying to have a nice dinner with friends and they are outside banging on the restaurant window, screaming, cars racing by honking their horns the whole way, knocking over trash bins and even setting them on fire, I'm not really sure if I care if anyone gets offended; you're putting a bad name for yourselves by doing things like that. And yes, I saw this all with my own eyes. All because Algeria is now in the world cup! hummm...
I heard last night consisted of riot patrol as well, but that was because it was the Wine Festival and people were drunk. Not that it matters either way. I stayed in, being a good girl and was going to start my expose, which didn't happen. I played guitar all night instead, went to bed early hoping to get up and work on it today. Negative. I woke up and my eye was beat red.
DOCTOR- oww la la. What an experience. I really should learn french medical terms. Good lordy how difficult it was to try to explain what the heck was going on. I had to keep apologizing for my lack of french vocabulary and terms of description for my "problem." How do you say, "The redness is falling onto my iris" in french." They finally understood after many attempts that my eye was dry, the redness like this occurred 2 weeks earlier but went away, and now it had "revenue." And I'm worried there is something wrong with it.
I was sent to an eye specialist, which became even more complicated, but finally got a prescription to clear it up. So I returned to the pharmacy, where the ladies should know me by name now (went in yesterday for more cold medicine), to get my prescription filled and found that all these times I had been getting medicine, if I had only gone to SMERRA first to get my "carte de fidélité" or something like that, I wouldn't have had to pay for any of this. Thanks FRANCE for all your red-tape.

I feel like a hermit. Sitting here alone on a Friday night, doing school work, while everyone else is out having fun. It's my own fault, I guess. Maybe this weekend will pay off, for more than one thing. ;)

Who knows how hiking will be tomorrow with this rhume, my bum knee, a sore ass, and a messed up eye. Did I mention that I'm not supposed to wear my contacts for 10 days...

I could go for a nice pint right about now. You know, in 3 days this would be legal for me back in the states- here, however, they don't give a rat's.. and that's what I love about this place!

A bientot!

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