Monday, June 21, 2010


So the end of Egypt went a lot better than expected. After the horrible night with my head in the toilet, wanting to die, and the decent recovery, Kelsey and I left for Cairo at 1am the following night. Thankfully we had a friend helping us out, organizing how we were going to get from Dahab there, and we even managed to swing hitting up the Pyramids before going to the airport. I was feeling much better by then, but still couldn't eat. I hate not having an appetite. I love food too much.
The pyramids were amazing. Everything I had wanted them to be. I climbed through and even decided to get in the empty tomb. I'm not really sure if that's appropriate or not, but you know me, it seemed exciting.. so who cares!
Kelsey and I went separate ways.. and I made my way to Prague for my friend Kaysey's birthday. I was still recovering from the food poisoning and such, but don't get that wrong, we lived up Prague. 2 pub crawls and not enough sleep later, I've made it to Croatia. I didn't know where I was going after Prague, I figured I would decide when the time came, and that's exactly what I did. I had wanted to go to Croatia since last year when I was planning my first backpacking around Europe, but because of the situation, I never made it there. So I figured, why the heck not this time around!? Spontaneous Traveling is what I call it, and I'm growing more fond of it every time I do it.
I'm sitting on a bench, looking out onto a harbor, enjoying the weather, beautiful Old City with ancient ruins and wondering where I will head for dinner. I found a last minute couchsurfing host and will be meeting up with him later in the evening. Hopefully he'll be able to tell me some interesting places to explore around here. I'm ready for the gorgeous beaches and sun! Also thinking about heading over to one of the islands off the coast. Met some nice Aussie's who were heading over there.
Dinner time. I think seafood is on the menu tonight!

Until next time :)

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