Monday, January 31, 2011

Life Decisions

The time is ticking away.. each moment I'm getting older.. each moment is one moment closer to death.... WAIT, WAIT, WAIT A MINUTE.
What in the world are you talking about Kristi!? What's with all this depressing talk?


As the moments pass, the further I realize where I'm supposed to be heading in life. I'm getting this beautiful, clear picture instilled in my mind. I'm living life, loving life, and yes, I get a little stressed, I slack off way too much, but there is one thing that I can't stop from doing - And that's living in happiness.

Not much can bring me down, and I won't let much bring me down. To be honest, half of the things we do in life won't really have much purpose a couple of years from now. We'll look back and think, man, I could have been doing so much different, experiencing life a little more, Living a little more... so if you've ever done that before, why not take that time to look around you and realize that you will probably be doing the same in another couple of years.. so CHANGE IT.

I'm a couple months shy of graduation. Where the time goes, nobody knows. So we have to make the best of it.

I realized just a few days ago, that as much as I try to live my life in a way I will never look back and think I could be doing so much different, I still do, and most people always will. But I came to conclusion that what I want to do is write.

I've never taken a class, didn't major in english or journalism, or anything that would help me pursue this goal, but I enjoy doing it. And I feel that we should all do what we enjoying doing.
And that's what I seek, in all aspects of my life. You should too. :-)


  1. Pardon my ignorance, but I have not read your blog. However, I was curious of the topics about which you enjoy writing? Or shall I ask: which topics have gauged you interest the most to arrive at this conclusion of writing? :-)

  2. To be honest, I've thought about it a lot. I've always written, and when I started my blog over a year ago to keep track of my travels and let my friends and family experience a little of what I was doing, I grew to really enjoy it.
    I love travel writing, but along the way, I learned a lot about life and I was able to experience quite a bit while doing so. I enjoy sharing what I've learned along the way, and how it's shaped me into who I am. Philosophy, life lessons, theories on this or that.. that's what I like writing about. I'm not sure if anyone really wants to read what I think or have to say, but I want to tell it anyway :)

  3. I just so happen to have been an English Lit. major not so long ago. ;-) Fortunately for you, all that English or journalism classes can do is hone the writing gift you have; they can't create it. You either have it, or you don't, and you already have it! I might add these suggestions:

    1. Always live life to the fullest.
    2. Observe and reflect on EVERYTHING.
    3. Read, read, read. Let the best thinking and writing of others seep into your soul and hone you.
    4. Just do it! The more you do, the more your voice will truly be your own.

    Bonne chance!


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