Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A party ain't a party till.....

This is just a quick little update.. nothing too extravagant.
Monday night was brilliant! I randomly met two really cool British girls while signing up for an InteGre rendez-vous this weekend to the mountains and ended up hanging out with them the rest of the evening. We met up with a friend of mine who took us to this this awesome swing dancing class/ thing.. anyway. Had a wonderful time. Went out for some hot chocolate afterward, since it's getting cold here now. It literally went from summer to winter, completely skipping fall in one weekend (the weekend I just so happened to be laying on the beach!) So I come back freezing, lol.
And then last night was definitely a good one. I decided to have another Fromage et Chocolat Fondue soiree. Loads of friends to celebrate the wonderful Tuesday night with. It's amazing how awesome people are and the variety that's in a group! After the deliciousness.. some of us headed out to Druid's Pub (mon pub prefere!) to listen to the live music, cheers and be sociable. :) The evening ended with me being welcomed to come play some music and sing one night and potentially do a set there. (side note: MUST GET GUITAR ASAP!)

I've been dragging today... but it's been really productive. Got everything set up to get my "carte de sejour." Class was class... and it's set- we have everything set up for Eastern Europe!!!

Departure: Next Wednesday. Prague, Budapest, Bucharest, Sofia and then Istanbul! Here I come!!

This weekend: What awesome french word starts with "S" that I could dress up as???
And you know who will be sliding down ropes from trees- me! (I don't know what it's called in english?) French: Accro-branche.
Anywho.. tonight is a night in, need a break and time to relax. Although I have to start doing exposes and apply for an internship... that doesn't give me much of a break does it?

A bientot!


  1. Haha. If you dress up as a monkey, I definitely want to see a picture!

    And I love the title to this post. Really love it. I mean REALLY love it. It is sheer genius! :-)


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