Thursday, October 1, 2009

Le fût et touts mon nouvelle amis!

I have a tandem partner. Her name is Elise. I signed up through this program at the university called Integre (integration). I speak english, she speaks french (and come to find out she speaks awesome english too! She studied in California in high school for a year). So we had been talking online and text, and last night she texts me and says, "hey! what are you doing tonight?" "Uh.. nothing at the moment, why?" I replied.
"Okay! We'll be there in 2 minutes to pick you up."
Non, non... j'ai besoin de prendre un douche!!
2 minutes later I get the phone call saying she was down stairs. I hurry down, having no idea where I'm going, but she took me (in a car!) with some friends to a soiree that turned out to be quite fun! This was the first time I met Elise. :)
Somewhere in the night, I tried to explain the game THUMPER in french... and I almost pee'd my pants laughing so hard. And come to find out, keg's are called "Le fût" and mini kegs are called "le petit fût."
They have something here that mixes beer with limonade and tequila all in a mini-keg. My how tasty it was.
I feel like I'm understanding more french! Although it's coming at a slow rate, it still feels good to see some improvement. Thank God for having switched classes, too.
I'm losing my tan... I see my complexion getting whiter each day and it makes me sad.
Still haven't found my flash drive... it's really starting to worry me now.

Not able to go to Octobre Fest anymore this weekend. Too expensive, too short notice, and we didn't think we would be able to hitch all the way from Italy in a matter of 1 day!
Another time....

Trampo session for my snowboarding class again today! Freakin' sweet little metal snowboard gadget just for jumping on the trampoline. Got to do some cool stuff. Unfortunately the pressure strains my knee a little so I have to be careful not to overdo it.

Can't wait for Morocco. I'm totally going camel riding!
And for Eastern Europe. Bought the plane tickets yesterday from Istanbul, Turkey back to Geneve, Italy. Should be a great adventure!!!
I'll post the itinerary later for that trip!

The one to Morocco is pretty simple. Take a bus to Seville, Spain. From Seville to Morocco we catch a ferry across the Mediterranean and stay there for a few days and then head back! Nice weekend trip :)

Btw.. I found out it was a star. There's no mountain where the light was coming from. lol.

Soiree ce soir? How do I make accents with my keyboard??!?


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