Monday, September 28, 2009

Extraordinary :-)

So sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been super busy with the start of classes and everything going on. I'll briefly inform everyone about last week. I am in the slow class for french and it's killing me. I wanted to be in the lower level, but that's only because I thought it was going to be similar to a 300 to 400 level in french, well come to find out, I'm in French 102 all over again and I'm about to die. (Trying to get switched out!- Let's hope it works!)
Have had a lot of fun this past week.
Finally got a phone (not sure if I've mentioned that yet?) but I got a blackberry for 1 Euro!!! How exciting!
Just in case anyone wants to call me from the U.S., my number is: +33 06 99 41 44 97
The +33 is the country code and the rest is my phone number (c'est bizzare, at least I think).
Posting some new pictures on my photobucket about our soirees and our "class exploration" around Grenoble. Lots of history and neat photos of cool things. lol. Make sure to check them out.
SO..... I don't feel like my french is improving at all. I don't know what to do.
I guess it's only been about 2 1/2 weeks I've been in Grenoble, I can't expect too much, but for some reason I felt like it would have improved more by now? We'll see where it goes... I guess it can only go up from here (*as long as I get into a class that challenges me).
So the highlight of my week by far was the hiking/camping expedition to the Alps!
I can't remember what the name of the mountain we climbed was, but it sure was an exciting two days!
I'll post pictures (tons) from that too!
We left at 9am on Sunday, took the tram, to a bus (where we missed the stop) so we walked back to where we were supposed to get off and then walked half way up the mountain via road until we stopped at this quaint little village. From there, we hitch hiked! I had my first hitch hiking experience and it was awesome!!! :)
We set off on your hiking adventure by mid-day and stopped where we were supposed to stay that night, only to find out that 20 others were staying there that night too... we mingled, had linner and set off again. 2 hours later and soaking wet from the rain, we arrived at our second refuge, again, only to find out that a large family and their friends were staying there! By that time, it was close to night fall and we wouldn't be able to get to the next stop, so we decided to ask if we could share the refuge. Thankfully they all had tents and let us sleep in the cabin that night after our night of much needed wine and cheese and most of the food we had left. It was spectacular!! We set off the next morning, hiked to another location and hitch hiked back down to Grenoble. Although so fatigued, I washed all my wet clothes from the rain and some others, and then went to a movie (District 9- en francais!) Not too shabby.

Anyway, I'm sure I'm missing some things that happened in this last week, and they'll come to me later! (Oh.. I didn't have internet for 2 days- something wrong with the network here) But I'll be sure to be better this week about updating!

This weekend: October Fest- Munich, Germany
Next weekend: Morocco
The following weekend: possibly another hiking/camping trip?
The last week and 1/2 of October: Fall Vacation- Eastern Europe adventure!!!

Then comes Novembre- where things should settle down a little more, well... snowboarding season begins ;)
Plus, that's when I get to see some very awesome people!!!!

Life is full of adventure as long as you seek it!

A bientot! Bis!

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