Friday, September 11, 2009

Grenoble! Je suis arrive!!!!

Finally- I've made it to Grenoble.
I knew we were close when I started seeing gorgeous scenery and mountains surrounding our train. I tried to take some pictures but the train was going so fast it was hard to get a good one. Getting all of our luggage (Diana and me) in one Taxi was funny. I felt bad for the taxi driver who had to put all of it in there. When we got the residence office, the lady only spoke french. I should have guessed this, but I hadn't really prepared myself for it, so it was quite overwhelming. Since I've been in France, I've always had someone who spoke english/ french to translate if I didn't understand, but it was more difficult this time when neither Diane or myself are fluent. We got our keys and then started in the direction the lady had told us and found ourselves a few flights up in the wrong building! Thankfully some painters had helped us carry all of our luggage and they were nice enough to help bring them down too. I settled in my room 3 more flights later (no elevators) and was so exhausted already but knew that I needed to get so many things. IKEA wasn't too far away, so we ventured out and I spent 103.00 Euro on bedding, bathroom necessities, etc. and another 60.00 Euro on some groceries. Things are SOO expensive here! Luckily they provide us with a small fridge, so I was able to get milk, juice, etc.
Unfortunately this cold has yet to go away! It's killing me. I have to blow my nose every 5 minutes and I sound like I have a frog in my throat.
It didn't hold me back though. Last night Diana and I went exploring the city.
We went to the city center and moseyed around until we came to this little Irish Pub. So we went in to have a drink and ended up meeting the two awesome English men here on business, with no accomplishment of what we had intended for the night, to meet FRENCH people, our night ended in great conversation and good beer.
Unfortunately we didn't want to pay for a taxi, so we had to catch the tram back to the university around 12:30am and retired as soon as we got back.
What a busy but fantastic day!

Today has been a little more relaxed. Just went around campus and met Fabienne, the ISEP coordinator for Grenoble. I then went of a hunt for internet access all around my residence. Mean while, overheard some people walking past speaking english, so I decided that today was going to be the day that I made friends (french or not)! The two guys are from England and yes, just as I had heard, speak English. Instantaneous friendship! The rest of the day has just been going to IKEA again for some things I didn't get yesterday (toilet seat cover- I found this very important last night when I almost fell into my toilet trying to sit down and pee), some silverware and cups.
I've just been hanging out with these two guys most of the day and Diana while planning our adventures for tonight. I believe it consists of a DiscoTech!? Anytime there is dancing- You Know I'm There!

more to come...

1 comment:

  1. If I know you, the whole city of Grenoble will be friends with you by the end of the school year. ;-)

    And you had to buy a toilet seat cover? I just thought they came standard issue ...


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